107 – Maybe you should have read the manual…?

UPDATE: There will be no cartoon for Wednesday, June 14, as it has been an amazingly weird and hectic day for me. I will get the new cartoon up as soon as possible on Thursday and get the Friday one out on time as well. I hate doing this because this is the first time since I started this cartoon last September that I have missed a deadline without giving you advance notice (i.e. family emergencies, holidays, etc.)

I’ll try to do better, folks.

Okay, I have a request for help. Don’t worry, it’s not a huge deal or anything, and anyone who follows me on Facebook already knows about it: My birthday is coming up at the end of this month. My wife asked me what I wanted to do for my 42nd and I haven’t the vaguest idea what to ask for. I mean, I know what I really WANT: a new (or slightly used)  iMac, but we can’t afford that. So, I need some suggestions from all of you. I’ve already been given a recommendation that I should get a towel with Vogon poetry on it, so that’s out. Any ideas? Email me at rob(at)meatshield(dot)net or send me a direct message via Twitter (see feed to the left.) Thanks folks!


P.S. Here’s a big Happy Birthday shout-out to one of my closest friends who turns an indeterminate number of years old today! Happy B-Day, AH!