424 – What is that on your face?

One thing that I’ve been remiss about is telling you all exactly what Philo is, class-wise. However, instead of just spelling it all out for you guys, I have elected to take Stephen King’s advice and show, not tell readers about a character. The first clue has been laid in this strip. Let the wild guessing begin! πŸ˜‰

Also, before I go, I’d appreciate it if you all would send your prayers/ good vibes/ whatever you feel comfortable with to the folks in Granbury, Texas, who just got hit by 10 tornadoes. I have family in Granbury and my mother-in-law grew up there, so you can bet I’ve been watching the news. Everyone in my extended family there are all right, but still… TEN tornadoes. Yikes. Stay safe, Granbury.

Take care,
