Just in case you don’t remember, Gerta lives in a halfdome kind of yurt… thing.
So, the Great MeatShield Planehopping contest….
I think I made it too hard to participate. I probably should have just asked folks to retweet with the hashtag #planehopping. Too late for that now, though. Since no one has yet to participate as of 2/8/15 (when I am writing this), I have decided that as of 5:00PM on the 9th the contest will end and you will all now be at my mercy as to where the story goes from here. Bwa-ha-ha. ๐
However, it’s not too late! You can still enter by going on the social media outlet of your choice and telling folks about MeatShield, then sending me a link to that post via rob(at)meatshield(dot)net. Thanks!
Take care,